Education and Support

General Medical

BUPA Health Information  General information on a range of health topics

MedicAlert – Bracelets, necklaces and watches to communicate medical information in an emergency

Medscape  – US site giving information on medical conditions and medications

Netdoctor  – Medical information in plain English

NHS Health Information Health advice on medical conditions from the National Health Service

NHS 111 Online  – Online symptom checker

Online Medical Dictionary  – Comprehensive glossary of medical terms

Patient UK  – Health information as provided by GPs and nurses during consultations

Please Offer Me a Seat  – An initiative by Transport for London to help those with hidden disabilities to get a seat on public transport

Atrial Fibrillation and Other Arrhythmias

AF Association  – An international charity offering information and support for people with atrial fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation Matters  – An educational website for patients created by the European Heart Rhythm Association

Arrhythmia Alliance  – A UK charity offering advice and support for people with abnormal heart rhythms

Atrial Fibrillation Risk Score Calculator  – Charts to help calculate stroke and bleeding risks in atrial fibrillation

Direct Oral Anticoagulants for Atrial FibrillationAdvice from the European Society of Cardiology on anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation

Dr Oliver Segal  – A useful source of information on arrhythmias and their treatment written by our colleague Dr Oliver Segal, Consultant Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist

European Heart Rhythm Association – The branch of the European Society of Cardiology leading research into heart rhythm disturbance

European Society of Cardiology Patient Guidelines – What patients need to know about the management of atrial fibrillation

Sudden Adult Death Trust Raising awareness of conditions that can cause sudden cardiac death

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure Association A UK charity dedicated to lowering the nation’s blood pressure

Blood Pressure UK  – Information and guidance on blood pressure 

British Hypertension Society Education and guidelines for treating high blood pressure

Cardiac Diagnostics

AliveCorA device which connects to a smart phone to record an ECG on the go

Bittium Faros  – Manufacturers of the Faros devices, for 24 hour and longer term external ECG monitoring

Caristo Diagnostics – Developers of the CaRi-Heart Risk for predicting heart attacks

HeartFlow – A non-invasive way to look at blood flow through the coronary arteries

iRhythm Zio A patch which adheres to the chest for 14 day ECG monitoring

Medtronic Reveal LINQ An implantable device which detects and records abnormal heart rhythms for up to three years

Technomed  – A UK based company specialising in cardiology diagnostic services and equipment


Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) A UK charity aiming to raise awareness of sudden cardiac death, particularly in young people

Cardiomyopathy UK Advice and support for patients with heart muscle disorders

Cholesterol, Diet and Lifestyle

Alcohol and heart disease A resource from DrinkAware detailing the link between alcohol and heart disease

BMI calculator A BMI and healthy weight calculator by the NHS

Heart UK  – The nation’s cholesterol charity

SmokeFree NHS stop smoking service 

Congenital Heart Disease

The Somerville Foundation Education and support for patients born with a heart condition and their families


Coronavirus Daily Summary – The government’s official Covid-19 statistics, updated daily

Coronavirus Vaccine: Your Questions Answered – A useful Q&A from the British Heart Foundation about the Covid-19 vaccines for people with cardiovascular disease

Managing the Long Term Effects of Covid-19 – Guidelines published in the British Medical Journal (January 2021)

Returning to Physical Activity After Covid-19 – Guidelines published in the British Medical Journal (January 2021)

Supporting Your Recovery – A site developed by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to support patients with the early stages of recovery from Covid-19

Your Covid Recovery – NHS resource offering guidance and advice to patients and their friends, relatives and carers on all aspects of recovery from Covid-19


Diabetes Risk Checker  – A diabetes risk assessment tool by Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK  – Advice and support for patients with diabetes

Dr Richard Sheaves An excellent source of information written by our colleague Dr Richard Sheaves, Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology

General Cardiology

British Cardiac Patients Association  – Advice and support for patients with heart disease and their carers

The British Cardiovascular Society  – Education and support for those working in cardiovascular medicine

The British Heart Foundation  – The nation’s heart charity

British Heart Valve Society Patient Area – Information for patients with heart valve disease 

European Society of Cardiology – An independent non-profit organisation whose mission is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease

JBS3 Risk Calculator A heart age calculator developed by the Joint British Societies

QRISK Lifetime  – A lifetime cardiovascular risk calculator


British National Formulary (BNF) The A to Z of drugs available with and without a prescription in the UK

Drugs Contraindicated in Long QT Syndrome  – Useful information from the International Registry for Drug-Induced Arrhythmias

Medicines Complete  – The world’s leading resources on the administration of drugs and medicines

Medisafe  – An app to keep track of which medications to take when

Medscape Drug Interaction Checker  – A useful resource for checking for interactions between medications

PoTS (Postural Tachycardia Syndrome)/Hypermobility

PoTS UK  – A resource for patients with PoTS and their medical professionals

Ehlers-Danlos Support UK  – Advice and support for those with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and related conditions

Hackett Healthcare – A dietician with specialist interest and training in histamine intolerance, EDS and MCAD

The Hypermobility Syndrome Association  – Education and support for those with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) and related conditions

The Hypermobility Unit Private hypermobility specialists based at the Wellington Hospital 

Mast Cell Action A charity for sufferers of Mast Cell Activation Disorder 

DINET (Dysautonomia Information Network) A US organisation dedicated to raising awareness of PoTS and related conditions

Syncope Trust (STARS)  – Advice and support for patients suffering from unexpected loss of consciousness

Deliciously Ella A website written by a woman who manages her PoTS symptoms through diet and lifestyle 

PoTS and EDS Friends A Facebook support group for sufferers of PoTS and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)


Stroke Association A UK charity funding research into prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of stroke

Different Strokes  – A UK charity for younger people who have suffered a stroke

UK Stroke Forum An organisation committed to improving stroke care in the UK

Patient Feedback

iWantGreatCare  – An opportunity to share experiences about doctors, dentists, hospitals and pharmacies

Private Patients Forum A forum for patients treated in the private sector

National Bodies

The Care Quality Commission The body responsible for care standards in the UK

Department of Health  – The Government Department for improving health and wellbeing in England

DVLAUseful guidance on driving and cardiovascular disorders

NICE  – The UK healthcare watchdog

PHIN  – The Private Healthcare Information Network compares hospitals and consultants in the private sector

Private Medical Insurers

Please contact your insurer for a pre-authorisation code or claim number prior to each consultation, test or procedure.

Private Urgent Care Centres

The following private hospitals have Urgent Care Centres for advice on urgent but non-life threatening health concerns:

In a life-threatening emergency you should always dial 999 or attend your nearest Accident and Emergency department. The following central London hospitals have A&E departments:

London Heart Attack Centres

Click here for information from the London Ambulance Service on their management of a patient with a suspected heart attack within the central and greater London areas


External websites linked from this page are provided solely for convenience. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of information presented on these sites, and the opinions voiced on these sites do not necessarily concur with our own. Any medical concerns should always be discussed with a healthcare professional.

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