Every Little Helps

Keto food for ketogenic diet, healthy nutritional food eating lifestyle for good heart health with high protein, fat, low-carb to prevent heart disease and diabetes illness control

Back in May, we raised the subject of diabetes and mentioned some of the risks associated with it, in particular the fact that it more than doubles a person’s risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke. With weight loss, exercise and attention to diet, it is possible to enter into remission from diabetes, and a recent study has shown that this reduces a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease, even if they subsequently relapse into diabetes thereafter.

The study found that, compared with people whose blood sugar levels were consistently high, people who achieved permanent remission were 76% less likely to have a stroke or heart attack, and even those who did relapse were 71% less likely to suffer a cardiovascular event than those who never achieved remission at all.

Many people struggle to lose weight and maintain the weight loss, or struggle to institute a diet that they can stick to in the long term. This study will hopefully encourage those people to keep trying, since every day in remission from diabetes will reduce cardiovascular risk over time.

To read the study itself, please click here.

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