Vaping increases risk of heart failure

Young woman vaping an electronic cigarette for relax while working at night

Based on the 2022 Opinions and Lifestyle Survey issued by the Office for National Statistics, there are approximately 4.5 million vapers in Great Britain, most of whom believe that e-cigarettes are safer than conventional cigarettes since they do not contain tobacco, and contain much lower levels of other carcinogens associated with normal cigarettes. Setting cancer risks to one side, new research being presented at the American College of Cardiology’s annual congress this month has demonstrated a clear association between use of e-cigarettes and incidence of heart failure.

Heart failure is the term given to the debilitating cluster of symptoms caused by the heart’s inability to pump forcefully enough, or fill with enough blood between contractions. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fluid retention, and fatigue, and according to the British Heart Foundation, people with heart failure are 2-3 times more likely to suffer a stroke.

An increasing number of studies are demonstrating adverse health outcomes linked with vaping, and this latest study has shown that people who use e-cigarettes are 19% more likely to develop heart failure than those who have never used them. Vaping was previously thought to be a helpful way for smokers to eventually quit the habit, but this research highlights the importance of stopping vaping completely as well. Local stop smoking services can offer help and advice on giving up vaping – find your nearest centre here.

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